Tired of low back pain? Had enough of poor sleeping or can't tolerate sitting at your work station or pain while commuting?
The answer to resolve many of these strains, aches and pains is to take up a progressive swimming program. When we are in the water we are only 10% of or body weight. We effectively eliminate gravity and the strain it places on ligaments, joints and discs within the spine.
This allows those damaged, degenerative tissues to be unweighted and recovery while the muscular system can adapt and become stronger and healthier.
Over time the ability to tolerate more postural tolerances with sitting, work demands or sports increases.
Swimming is also the only physical activity where you can exercise opposing muscle groups at the same time. For example think of your biceps and triceps, your quadriceps and hamstrings, your abdominal muscles and your back muscles.
If you are riding a bike, walking, lifting weights, etc. only one muscle of these groups can contract while the opposite muscle has to lengthen and relax.
The other benefit of swimming is that you increase the individual motion of the segments of the spine.
If over time you have been injured or sit for extensive periods of time we lose the ability to move each individual segment of the spine.
For example, think of a bicycle chain that is rusty. Instead of every link in the chain moving seperately they move as groups or segments. So think of 3-4 links moving as one and then one moving by itself and say 2 moving as one.
When each link or the joint within the spine doesn't move than it begins to degenerate. This is called degenerative joint or degenerative disc disease, better know as "ARTHRITIS".
So with swimming you force the spine to have to move from its rigid state and readapt to moving all the individual segments of the spine. This leads to a healthier spine, reduces arthritis, improves your sitting and activity tolerances.
Try swimming for 30-40 minutes. Try 2 times per week. If you are not the most proficient swimmer use 2 kickboards on top of each other and hold on and kick. You can also use swim fins to improve your propulsion in the water.
Over time you should improve your lifestyle, reduce pain, increase your mobility and improve your ability to sleep.
Consider swimming for those with chronic low back pain, aching, nagging injuries and all of you computer programmers!
Stay tuned for more ways to improve your lifestyle.
Gary J. Maguire, MS, PT
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